The Garrison Ball / by Julie Greco

The pictures are in, and I couldn’t be more proud of this event.

This past March I was able to participate in creating the floral-scape for an amazing event honoring or veterans. Big shout out and “Thank you” goes out to Sarah Valiant of Valiant Design Co. for selecting Petals & Stems to be a part of her master creation for the day.

To date the Garrison ball has been one of the largest productions I have put on from a floral aspect. The party was set for 800 guests at the ever so lovely Liberty Grand in downtown Toronto. Yes! 800 guests! I am still reeling from the high that week.

The theme of the ball celebrated our “Regimental Community” on the pending 70th Anniversary of VE Day bringing focus to our families, employers and other Canadians supporting loved ones in service. The celebratory atmosphere, reflecting VE Day in 1945 with the swing music of the 40’s taking us back to those heady days of Victory!

The floral scheme was complimentary to the theme of the ball; hues of reds, whites and gold were all I had visions of. 3 days of processing, planning, adjusting and setting until my arrangements were ready for delivering. With the help of my amazing husband (let’s say “super amazing husband” for good measure) we were able to move 157 arrangements, 117 small arrangements and 40 large pedestal arrangements to the event venue. The house was filled to the brim, bursting with flowers and I honestly could not have been happier.

Of course the event was a success and the flowers were a hit, even made some camera time on Global news that night (the event that is, but you did see my beauties in the background. As much as I like to believe my flowers were the show stopper I am deeply touched and appreciative to have been part of such a wonderful event honouring amazing men and woman.

At last, the photos were taken by Suzanne Merrett at Amara Studios Photography.
Are you ready….here it is…. the website….